Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Banded kukri snake(Oligodon arnensis)

Banded kukri (Oligodon arnensis) : Superficialy resembles the venomous krait, although this is a completely harmless snake. A small snake; body stout and cylindrical ; snout short and blunt; scales smooth; dorsum brown, usually with red or purple marking, lighter on flunks, with 32-41 black crossbars or transversely arranged spots that break up on flanks into streaks, sometimes edged with cream; bars 1-5 scales wide; head with three dark,arrowhead-shaped marks ;belly cream with indistinct lateral spots. inhabits forests, as well as disturbed habitats , such as parks and gardens , and may enter houses.A ground-dwelling species, it inhabits the leaf litter of the forest floor, and also the crevices of rocks and tree holes . Both diurnal and nocturnal, although most activities are during the day or on cool rainy nights. Diet comprises small rodents , lizards and reptile eggs. elongate eggs, numbering 4-9, measuring 36*10mm, are produced. Wide spread in peninsular India , besides Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

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