Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Barred wolf (Lycodon striatus)

Barred wolf(Lycodon striatus) : Non-venomous. A small, ground-dwelling. Snout flattened; head weakly differentiated from necks; supralabials eight, first and second of which contact nasal; dorsam black to dark brown, with a series of white or yellow transverse marks, distance between which diminishes towards tail; upper lips and belly unpatterned white. Inhabits dry regions, including forest edges and semi deserts, hiding under stones during the day and emerging at night to forage. Diet comprises lizards , such as geckos and skinks. clutches are 2-4, eggs relatively large at 9-12 * 25-30mm and laid in april. Parental care of eggs known. Widespread from central Asia to India, including Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Nepal.

1 comment:

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